10 Grilling Tips You Need To Know For The Perfect BBQ

Grilling is the perfect way to bring friends and family together. But you don’t have to be a professional chef to turn out delicious food on your grill, as long as you follow these 10 tips!

11 Secret BBQ Tricks From Grill Masters
Key Takeaways
1. Clean and oil your grill grates to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.
2. Let your meat rest for a few minutes before slicing to retain juices.
3. Use a digital meat thermometer to ensure your meat is cooked to perfection.
4. Experiment with different rubs and marinades to add flavor to your dishes.
5. Don’t be afraid to try grilling different types of meat and vegetables.
6. Preheat your grill for 10-15 minutes to ensure it’s hot enough to cook your food.
7. Use direct heat for thin cuts of meat and indirect heat for thicker cuts.
8. Avoid opening the lid too often to retain heat and prevent flare-ups.
9. Have essential grilling tools such as meat thermometer, tongs, and grill brush on hand.
10. Maintain your grill regularly to ensure its longevity and performance.

Choose The Right Grill

It’s important to choose the right grill for your needs. There are many different styles of grills, including charcoal, gas and electric.

Choose charcoal if you’re looking for a better taste and more control over the heat. Charcoal grills are also easier to use because they don’t require electricity or propane refills like gas grills do but they require more maintenance than a gas grill does (like dealing with flare-ups).

If you want convenience and speed without sacrificing flavor, go with a gas grill. They’re easy to operate and clean up after (since all of their parts can be removed). The downside? You may notice some differences in flavor when cooking on one instead of using another type of outdoor cooking source like charcoal or wood chips.

No barbecue is complete without delectable side dishes to complement your grilled meals. Check out our guide on 15 Grilled Side Dishes That Will Make Your BBQ The Best On The Block for fresh ideas on the perfect accompaniments to your barbecue creations.

Keep Your Grill Clean

After each use, you should clean your grill. As you cook, grease and residue build up on the grates and in between them over time. This makes it difficult to get a good sear on food, and can also lead to flare-ups from grease dripping onto the coals.

To clean the grill grates, first wipe them down with a dry cloth or paper towels to remove any loose particles or debris (make sure not to use steel wool). 

Then use a wire brush—available at most hardware stores to scrape off any stuck on food particles before wiping down again with another rag or paper towel soaked in water.

Next, take out all removable parts like knobs for poking at meat and brush these down with warm soapy water as well as inside of the lid where crud tends to collect (you may even want to give this part of your grill its own cleaning session). 

Finally, wipe down outside of your grill using more warm soapy water sprinkled liberally across its surface while being careful not to spray too much liquid directly onto hot metal surfaces since this could cause damage over time.

Importance of Keeping Your Grill Clean

Key PointsDescription
Prevent FireRemoving grease and remnants from your grill reduces the risk of flare-ups that can cause fires.
Ensure Food SafetyCleaning your grill grates helps prevent bacteria buildup and ensures safe consumption of cooked food.
Better TasteA dirty grill can impact the taste of your food, while a clean grill ensures that your meals are free of unnecessary flavors.
Improved PerformanceClean grates improve airflow, reducing cooking time and preventing hot spots that can lead to uneven cooking.
Longer LifespanRegular maintenance and cleaning can ensure your grill’s longevity and save you from costly repairs or replacement.

Have Fun With Your Fuel

There are three main types of fuel available for barbecuing and grilling: charcoal, wood, and gas. Charcoal and wood are the most traditional ways to grill and each have their own advantages; however, gas is probably the easiest method as long as you don’t mind paying for it.

Depending on your personal preference as well as what type of food you’re cooking, any one of these fuels will work well in a barbecue situation. 

If you’re looking to save money or just not bother with collecting firewood or building a fire pit in your yard (which is understandable), then charcoal may be right for you! Just make sure that whatever kind of grill you choose has enough space on top so that coals can sit directly above food being grilled without burning down onto it (or worse yet catching fire).

Maintaining your grill is crucial to your success in achieving the perfect BBQ. Avoid common mistakes and improve your grill prowess by reading our article on The Do’s and Don’ts of Grill Maintenance

Marinate Correctly

Now that you’ve got the perfect cut of meat, it’s time to add some flavor. The best way to do this is through marinating.

To get the most out of your marinade, first make sure your meat is completely thawed and then pat it dry with paper towels before putting it in a sealed container with 1/2 cup of marinade (or enough for an even coating). 

You should always use a non-reactive container which means plastic or glass rather than aluminum or stainless steel. If you don’t have anything suitable on hand, go get yourself a cheap tupperware container and never look back!

Let your meat sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes up to 24 hours before grilling if you want maximum flavor penetration; but if you like things really simple then give it at least 20 minutes so that there’s still some time left when you’re ready to start cooking!

If possible try using an injector while marinating as this helps speed up absorption as well as enhances flavor by injecting fat directly into meat fibers (and isn’t there nothing more satisfying than seeing those little drops ooze out).

Use A Thermometer

Don’t be afraid of a thermometer. A meat thermometer is the only way to accurately tell if your meat has reached its ideal temperature for doneness. 

If you’re pan searing or grilling, use the internal temperature to determine when it’s time to remove from heat and let rest.

Use a digital probe thermometer with an alarm that beeps when your desired temperature is reached, so you don’t have to constantly watch over it (this one is my favorite). You can also use this guide for judging doneness:

Rare (bloody): 120°F (49°C) and 130°F (54°C)

Medium rare: 130°F – 135°F (54°C – 57°C)

Medium: 140-145 °F (60-62 °C)

Medium well: 150+ ° F (>66 ° C)

Let Your Meat Rest Before Serving

Whether you’re grilling a steak, pork tenderloin, or chicken breasts, it’s imperative that you let your meat rest before serving. The reason for this is simple: the meat continues to cook after it’s removed from the grill. 

So while your beef may be perfectly cooked at medium rare when taken off the grill, continued cooking on its own could dry out the meat and make it tough.

Resting allows for juices within the cut of meat to redistribute themselves throughout their new home the hot exterior of your grilled masterpiece. 

In addition to making sure all parts of your grilled item are evenly cooked and juicy (or tender), allowing your meals to rest also prevents any excess moisture from escaping while they’re still hot. This helps maintain moisture levels in leaner cuts like boneless skinless chicken breasts and pork tenderloins so they don’t become dry and rubbery when finished cooking!

Are you a BBQ pro with all the tools you need for the perfect grill? Check out our guide on 10 Must-Have Grilling Tools to ensure you have everything you need to take your grilling to the next level

Clean Your Utensils Properly

Cleaning your grill utensils is just as important as cleaning the grill itself. First and foremost, you need to clean off any food that’s stuck on there using a brush (you can use one of those disposable brushes you can buy at the grocery store), then put it in the dishwasher if it has one. If not, wash them by hand with soap and water.

Also be sure to clean your grates after each use; this will prevent bacteria from building up between uses and keep your food tasting fresher for longer.

When you’re done grilling for the day, wipe down all of your utensils with paper towels and make sure they’re completely dry before putting them away or else they may rust!

Finally, make sure that any drinks around are stored safely away from the fire—we don’t want anyone getting burned by their own beverages! 

And always remember: be careful when handling hot foods like hamburgers because they might cause burns on bare skin so always wear an oven mitt when taking them out!

Importance of Cleaning Your Utensils Properly

Key PointsDescription
Avoid Food ContaminationProperly cleaning utensils removes bacteria and prevents cross-contamination between foods.
Ensure Safe ConsumptionUsing clean utensils prevents foodborne illnesses caused by harmful bacteria.
Protect Your InvestmentCleaning your utensils properly ensures they will last longer and perform better, preventing the need for costly replacements.
Avoid Residual FlavorsClean utensils help prevent residual flavors from lingering on foods, ensuring that you enjoy each dish’s intended taste.
Better PerformanceDirty utensils can affect their performance and cause sticking or uneven cooking, while clean utensils ensure proper food release and even cooking.

Don’t Forget The Sides!

Sides are as important as the meat. If you’re going to take the time to prepare and cook a whole slab of meat, it makes sense that not only will your guests appreciate having something to go with it (other than just eating straight from the grill), but you’ll also have something more substantial on your plate than just plain grilled chicken or burgers. 

The first step in choosing sides is deciding what kinds of vegetables and fruit best complement the type of meat being grilled. So if you’re grilling up steak, think corn on the cob or potatoes and if it’s ribs or chicken wings, consider serving up some grilled cornbread!

As we mentioned earlier, sides should pair well with whatever type of food you’re cooking in order for both elements to taste good together. In this case we want our vegetables/fruit side dish(es) not only complementing but enhancing our meal experience so make sure they aren’t overpowering! 

Remember: less is often more when it comes to variety here—stick with two items maximum per person depending on how big those portions are – otherwise everyone might end up getting too full before even finishing their main course!”

Cocktails are a great add-on for an enjoyable BBQ. Looking for some grilled cocktail inspiration for your next event? Check out our guide on 13 Grilled Cocktails That Will Take Your BBQ to the Next Level to delight your guests with some new beverages

Keep It Simple At First

While grilling is a great way to cook, it’s also easy to get overwhelmed. If this seems like the case for you, keep it simple at first. Once you’ve gotten comfortable with the process, then you can try adding more steps and ingredients into your process. 

It’s also important not to try too many things at once; if there’s one thing I learned early on in my BBQing career (and there were many things), it was that keeping track of what was going on inside my grill could sometimes be difficult when I was doing multiple things at once and trying new techniques.

Grill All Year Long!

You can grill all year long. Whether you have a grill in your backyard, or you’re using your kitchen stovetop to make some steaks on the fly, grilling is one of the best ways to cook food. 

But it’s important to remember that temperature and time are not always your friend when cooking, especially if you want perfectly grilled food every single time.

So how do you grill? First off: set up your grill for success! Using indirect heat in the winter is one way to keep things warm inside and outside of your home. Next up: use a meat thermometer! 

There are plenty of ways for us home cooks to check our meat’s progress without having any prior knowledge about how long it should take or where exactly it should sit within its internal temperature range at any given moment during cooking time.”

Follow These Tips And You’ll Have The Best Bbq On The Block

Be patient. It doesn’t matter how carefully you plan or how many times you’ve done it before, grilling is a slow process. You never want to rush the cook time of a piece of meat, as it will only dry out and become tasteless.

Have fun! Grilling isn’t just about cooking food; it’s also about enjoying your time with friends and family while doing so. 

Sometimes people get caught up in following recipes exactly, but if they prefer their steaks medium-rare instead of medium-well, go ahead and give them what they want! This is one area where it’s okay to be creative with each dish you might surprise yourself with something new that ends up being delicious.

Don’t be afraid to experiment! If there are certain kinds of foods that don’t typically go together on a plate (like peanut butter and jelly), try putting them together in order to see what happens you may end up discovering something amazing! 

Just make sure not too many ingredients are mixed together at once because then nobody will know what kind of taste they’re getting from any one item alone because there’s too much going on at once (and we don’t want anyone getting sick). 

If this ever happens though just take away some things until there aren’t anymore than three main toppings per pizza slice – those should work just fine!”

Are you looking to grill like a pro and improve your barbecue skills? Our comprehensive guide on The Ultimate Grilling Guide provides all the tips, tricks, and advice you need to become the ultimate grill master


With all those tips in mind, we can help you create a BBQ that will make your friends jealous. It’s not hard to do at all, but it does take some time and attention to detail. So grab your favourite drink and get ready to grill!

Further Reading

For more tips and tricks on grilling, check out these resources:

Whitney Bond’s Grilling Tips: Whitney Bond shares her expert tips on achieving the perfect grill marks and cooking everything from steak to veggies.

Top 10 Tips for Excellent Summer Grilling from Food Network: This article from Food Network features tips from top chefs on how to grill like a pro.

Ten Essentials for Better Grilling from Weber: Weber offers essential tips on grill maintenance, tool selection, and even grilling accessories.


What are some tips for achieving the perfect grill marks?

To achieve the perfect grill mark, preheat your grill for 10-15 minutes on high heat and ensure your meat is dry. Place your steak diagonally on the grill grates and avoid moving it too much. Flip your steak over to cook the other side to achieve those perfect grill marks.

How do I know when my meat is cooked to perfection?

The best way to know when your meat is cooked to perfection is by using a digital meat thermometer. The recommended internal temperature for beef steak is 125°F for medium-rare, 135°F for medium, and 145°F for medium-well.

What are the best ways to maintain my grill?

To maintain your grill, brush the grates clean before and after cooking, remove grease and debris, and empty the drip tray regularly. Cover your grill when it’s not in use to protect it from the elements.

What are some common grilling mistakes to avoid?

Common grilling mistakes to avoid include not preheating your grill properly, overcrowding your grill, flipping your meat too much, and not letting your meat rest after cooking.

What are some essential grilling tools I should have?

Essential grilling tools include a meat thermometer, tongs, spatula, grill brush, and a basting brush. A chimney starter, smoker box, and cast-iron griddle are also helpful tools to have on hand for specific grilling needs.