The Ultimate Grilling Guide: How To Grill Like A Pro

The grill is one of the best tools you can use to get dinner on the table quickly. It’s easy to use, and it gives your meat a great smoky flavor but only if you know what you’re doing. 

In this guide, we’ll walk through everything from how to thaw your meat (and other common mistakes) to tips for smoking and grilling fish.

How to BBQ like a pro this summer | BBQ Hints and tips
Proper grill maintenance is key to achieving great results on the grill. Follow the dos and don’ts of grill maintenance and keep your grill in top shape.
Grill with a plan. Before you start cooking, make sure you have all the necessary equipment and ingredients and that your grill is preheated to the appropriate temperature.
Knowing when your food is cooked to perfection is essential. Use a meat thermometer or the visual checks to get an idea of when your food is done before removing it from the grill.
Avoid common grilling mistakes such as flipping your food too much, not preheating your grill, and not cleaning your grill thoroughly.
Experiment with different grilling techniques to add new flavors and textures to your food. Try indirect grilling, planking, and smoking to switch things up.

Take Time To Thaw

Thawing your meat is an essential step that should not be skipped. It’s best to thaw your meat in the refrigerator and not on the countertop or in cold water. 

Thawing meat slowly in the refrigerator makes it easier for bacteria to grow, which can cause food poisoning. 

If you have no other option than using a microwave oven, cook your food immediately after microwaving it so that any bacteria won’t have time to multiply.

Avoiding grilling mistakes can be the key to achieving perfectly cooked food every time. Our article on grilling mistakes you’re probably making shares some common errors and provides tips on how to avoid them.

Give Your Meat A Proper Rest

Once you’ve finished grilling, the last step is to let your meat rest.

This allows the juices to settle and prevents them from running out of the meat when you cut into it.

Letting your meat rest is also an essential part of preventing any dryness or toughness. If you cut into it too soon and all those delicious juices run out, there’s not much hope for that piece of steak or chicken breast—it’s just going to be tough and dry!

The Importance of Resting Meat After Grilling

Why rest meat after grilling?Resting meat after it’s been cooked allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat, making it more tender, juicy and flavorful.
How long should you rest your meat?Depending on the size and type of meat, the general rule of thumb is to rest for at least 5-10 minutes, but up to 30 minutes for larger cuts like roasts.
How to rest meat properly?Once you take the meat off the grill, cover it in aluminum foil or a plate and let it sit undisturbed. This allows the juices to settle and redistribute throughout the meat.
What happens if you don’t rest your meat?If you don’t rest your meat, the juices will flow out of the meat as soon as you cut into it, resulting in a dry and tough texture.
Do all meats need to be rested?While not all meats necessarily need to be rested, it’s generally a good idea to do so. The larger and thicker the cut, the more important it is to rest it before serving.

Be Heavy Handed With Salt

Salt, in particular kosher salt, is a valuable asset when it comes to grilling. The reason for this is that salt helps tenderize the meat while also giving it a distinct flavor. When applying salt to your meat before or after cooking, be sure to use plenty of it!

When applying salt before grilling, make sure that you do not rub or mix the salt into your meat as this will cause it to clump together and become difficult for the heat from the grill to penetrate all areas of the meat evenly. 

Instead sprinkle some over top and then pat down gently so that you can get a better coverage without disturbing any parts underneath too much (you still want some of those nice brown bits).

Want to impress your guests with the perfect barbecue? Our guide on 10 grilling tips you need to know can help take your skills to the next level, with advice on everything from preparation to cooking temperatures

Start With A Clean Grill

  • Before you cook, it’s essential to clean the grates with a grill brush. If you’re using a gas or charcoal grill, this will help remove any residue from the previous cook.
  • You can also use a grill scraper for more stubborn bits of food that didn’t come off with the brush.
  • For an even deeper clean, there are special pads made specifically for cleaning grills after use (see below).
  • Whatever method you choose, make sure that your grill is really clean before cooking anything else on it!

Know The Difference Between Direct and Indirect Cooking

The most important thing to understand about grilling is the difference between direct and indirect cooking.

Direct cooking is when you put your meat directly over the heat source, like a grill or campfire. It’s great for foods that need to cook quickly and evenly, but it can cause flare-ups (the flames will char your meat if you’re not careful).

Indirect cooking means that your food isn’t sitting directly above the fire source—instead, it’s placed off to one side. This allows for more even cooking and less flare-ups because no part of the meat is being scorched by direct flames. 

Understanding Direct and Indirect Grilling

What is direct grilling?Direct grilling is a method where the food is placed directly over the heat source, resulting in high heat and quick cooking times. It’s best for thin cuts of meat, such as burgers, steaks, and seafood, as well as vegetables and fruits.
What is indirect grilling?Indirect grilling is a method where the food is placed away from the direct heat source and cooked more slowly at lower temperatures. This method is ideal for larger cuts of meat, such as roasts, and for delicate foods that can easily overcook.
How to set up your grill for direct grillingFor direct grilling, start by preheating the grill to high heat. Arrange the coals or turn on the burners and let the grill heat up for 10-15 minutes before adding the food.
How to set up your grill for indirect grillingFor indirect grilling, set up the grill for 2-zone cooking by placing coals or turning on burners on one side of the grill while leaving the other side empty. Cover the grill and let it preheat for 10-15 minutes before adding the food to the cool side.
When to use each methodUse direct grilling for thin cuts of meat that you want to cook quickly, and indirect grilling for larger cuts and more delicate foods that require slower and more gentle cooking.

Indirect grilling is also good for foods that require longer periods of time in order to cook through properly, such as whole chickens or large cuts of ribs (or anything else with a lot of surface area).

Grilling is as much a science as it is an art. Understanding the chemistry behind grilling can help you achieve consistent results every time. Learn more about the science behind grilling in our informative article.

Season Your Steak Before Cooking

Before you slap a steak on the grill, season it. Seasoning before cooking helps to create a more flavorful crust on your meat and can make all the difference in how juicy your meat is.

Use salt, pepper and garlic powder (or whatever other spices you like) to give your steaks a head start in the flavor department. Don’t go overboard though—you don’t want your steak tasting like salt for days!

Don’t use marinades or brines: They can make the meat mushy by breaking down muscle fibers too much before cooking.

Always Use The Right Tools

The right tools will make your life easier and help you get your grill on. You’ll need a grill brush to clean the grill, tongs to turn meat, a spatula for flipping meat, and a basting brush for glazing. Don’t forget to use a thermometer!

Oil Your Grates Regularly

Oil your grill grate before you start cooking, and then oil it again every time you flip a burger or change the position of the meat. You don’t need to douse the grate in oil; just rub each section well with a paper towel dipped in vegetable oil.

Don’t use olive oil or any other type of high-quality extra virgin oil, as these can impart off flavors to your food. Also avoid spraying on vegetable spray it’s made from chemicals that could leave a weird taste on your burgers if they’re heated up enough while grilling. 

Oiling the grate is easy: Just pour some vegetable oil into an empty bottle (you can use any kind), dip one corner of a piece of paper towel into it, and rub it over each section before letting go so that none drips down onto the flames below. That’s all there is to it!

Achieving professional-level grilling skills may seem like a daunting task, but with some expert advice, anyone can grill like a pro. Our article on grilling like a chef features 13 tips from experienced chefs to help take your grilling game to the next level

Invest In A Cast-Iron Grill Pan

A cast-iron grill pan is a must-have for any serious griller. The best part about this essential tool is that it can be used on the stovetop, in the oven, and on an outdoor grill. 

Cast iron retains heat well, so your food will stay warm longer as it cooks to perfection and because of its durability, you’ll be using this tool for years to come!

I recommend purchasing a 12-inch cast iron grill pan (about $30) so you have enough space to cook all of your favorite meals at once. It’s easy to use: Simply preheat your oven or barbecue to 400 degrees F and place the grill pan over medium heat on top of your stovetop until hot (about five minutes). 

Then add some oil or melted butter before placing meat onto one side of the pan; vegetables should go directly into empty areas of the pan where there is no air flow from other ingredients being cooked nearby. 

Once everything has been placed inside, place another lid overtop with holes poked into it so smoke may escape but keep heat trapped inside when flipping foods later on during cooking time this makes sure nothing burns outside while still allowing moisture from inside get absorbed back into food without having any chance escaping through cracks between pans during flipping processes later down line.

Why You Should Invest in a Cast-Iron Grill Pan

Cast-iron grill pans provide even heatingCast-iron grill pans are known to provide even heating throughout the surface, making them ideal for grilling foods that require uniform heat distribution, such as steaks or burgers.
Easy to cleanCast-iron grill pans are easy to clean with just warm water and a stiff brush, making them perfect for regular use. Additionally, the more a cast-iron grill pan is used, the better its seasoning becomes, making it more non-stick and easy to clean after each use.
They can be used on various cooking surfacesCast-iron grill pans can be used on various heat sources, including stovetops, ovens, and grills, making them versatile and useful in different cooking scenarios.
Adds grill marks to foodCast-iron grill pans add distinct grill marks to food, giving it a unique and visually appealing look.
Long-lastingCast-iron is durable and long-lasting, capable of maintaining its strength and quality over the long term with little maintenance.

Choose The Right Wood For Smoking Meat

Wood is an essential component of smoking meat. You can use it to smoke your meat or fish, or even to make barbecue sauce. Different types of wood flavor meats differently, so it’s important to select the right kind for your desired result.

  • Apple – Succulent and sweet with a hint of citrus
  • Hickory – Rich and smoky with bacon-like undertones
  • Maple – Full-flavored with earthy overtones that go well with pork ribs and chicken wings
  • Oak – Sharp like wine vinegar but milder than hickory; pairs well with beef brisket

Create Zones On The Grill For Different Meats And Temps

Next, you’ll want to create two zones on your grill: one for high-temperature cooking and another for low-temperature cooking. 

This allows you to cook different types of food at the right temperatures. For example, if you want to make burgers or chicken thighs, they should be grilled over direct heat while steak or vegetables should be cooked over indirect heat.

To set up your grill this way, first turn on both burners and bring them up to full power until they reach 500–550 degrees Fahrenheit (I recommend using a temp gauge like this one from ThermoWorks). Next, place the meat over direct heat (the highest setting) for about 7 minutes per side this will give it plenty of time for caramelization and get it nice and brown on all sides without overcooking it. 

Once that’s done put everything else into its own zone by turning off half the burners so there is no flame licking at anything other than what matters most: your delicious food! This ensures that nothing gets too hot while also maintaining its integrity in terms of flavor/texture etc..

Whether it’s for a tailgate party, holiday celebration, or just a fun weekend with friends, having a few go-to recipes for your next grilling gathering can be a game-changer. Check out our article on 15 grilling recipes perfect for your next tailgate party for some delicious ideas to try out.


I hope this article has helped demystify the art of grilling. If you’re just getting started with your own backyard barbecue, remember that it doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. Just keep these tips in mind and have fun!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you up your grilling game:

Top 25 Grilling Tips to Help You Achieve Perfect Burgers, Steaks and More – This article shares tips and tricks to help you achieve great results on the grill for a variety of foods.

Grill like a pro: 5 tips to serve up ultra juicy meat this summer – Learn about some lesser-known tips to help you achieve juicy grilled meat.

Grilling 101: 7 Tips to Grill Like a Pro – This article provides basic tips for beginners to help them get started with grilling.


What are some common grilling mistakes and how can I avoid them?

Common grilling mistakes include not cleaning the grill properly, not preheating the grill, and flipping the food too often. To avoid these mistakes, make sure to thoroughly clean your grill before and after each use, preheat the grill for at least 10 minutes, and only flip the food once during cooking.

How do I know when the food is done grilling?

The easiest way to know if your food is done grilling is to use a meat thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the meat, and when it reaches the appropriate temperature, the food is done. Alternatively, you can use a visual check (cutting into the meat to see if it’s cooked through) for foods like fish and vegetables.

What are some good grilling recipes to try?

Some popular grilling recipe options include burgers, steaks, chicken, vegetables, and fish. Look for recipes that use marinades or rubs, as these can add extra flavor to your food.

How can I prevent food from sticking to the grill grates?

To prevent food from sticking, make sure to clean and oil the grill grates before cooking. You can also use cooking spray or brush the food with oil before placing it on the grill.

How should I clean my grill after use?

To clean your grill after use, let it cool down and then use a grill brush to remove any debris or stuck-on food. You can then wipe down the grates with a damp cloth or paper towel. It’s important to clean your grill after every use to prevent buildup that can affect the taste of your food